No Key!! No Problem! Learn How Do Electric Lock Pick Guns Work?

In the world of locks, picking tools are like secret keys for those who enjoy solving puzzles. Now, there’s something new called electric lock pick guns, and they’re catching everyone’s interest.

This article is all about figuring out how these electric lock pick guns actually work. We’ll start by looking at the basic tools people use for picking locks, and then we’ll dive into the cool stuff—electric lock pick guns and their secrets.

How Do Electric Lock Pick Guns Work? infographics by Emma Marshal

So, let’s find out: How do electric lock pick guns work?

How Do Electric Lock Pick Guns Work?

Electric lock pick guns work by using a small motor to create rapid vibrations in picking needles. These vibrations, when applied to a lock, cause the lock pins and tumblers to jump and align, allowing for easy unlocking.

How Do Electric Lock Pick Guns Work? title with a lock pick gun set and a door lock

Unlike traditional manual methods, electric lock pick guns automate the process, making it faster and more efficient. However, their use requires skill and responsibility, as understanding the mechanism is crucial for ethical and legal application in locksmithing and security testing.

Basics of Lock Picking

Traditional lock picking involves manipulating a lock’s internal components to unlock it without the original key. This skill relies on techniques like single-pin picking, rake picking, and tension wrench application.

Manual lock picking employs various tools such as picks, hooks, and tension wrenches. Picks are used to lift individual pins, while tension wrenches apply rotational force to turn the lock cylinder.

Over time, lock picking technology has evolved with advancements in materials and design. Modern tools like electric lock picking gun may include specialized picks and tension tools, enhancing precision and efficiency.

Despite technological progress, understanding the basics of traditional techniques remains fundamental for locksmiths and security professionals.

Electric Lock Pick Guns

electric lock pick gun set

Electric lock pick guns revolutionize traditional lock picking by automating the process through rapid vibrations. Understanding their definition, types, and pros and cons is key to navigating this innovative locksmithing tool.


Electric lock pick guns are devices designed to expedite lock picking through motor-driven vibrations in specialized needles.

Their primary purpose is to swiftly manipulate lock pins and tumblers, providing a faster alternative to traditional manual methods.

Different Types of Electric Lock Pick Guns

Various electric lock pick guns cater to diverse needs. Handheld models offer portability, while cordless options provide freedom of movement.

The market encompasses specialized tools designed for specific lock types, ensuring versatility in application.

Advantages and Disadvantages Compared to Manual Techniques

Electric lock pick guns offer speed and efficiency, reducing the time required for lock picking.

However, they may lack the finesse of manual techniques, requiring skillful operation. Ethical considerations and legal constraints also surround their use, emphasizing the importance of responsible locksmithing practices.

Components of Electric Lock Pick Guns

Electric lock pick guns, innovative devices in locksmithing, consist of key components that contribute to their efficient operation.

A. Power Source

The power source is a critical element, often a rechargeable battery or, in some cases, a power cord. This provides the necessary energy to drive the motor or solenoid mechanism and power the vibrations in the picking needles.

B. Motor or Solenoid Mechanism

At the heart of electric lock pick guns is the motor or solenoid mechanism. This component generates rapid vibrations in the picking needles or blades.

The motor converts electrical energy into mechanical motion, creating the oscillations required for effective lock picking.

C. Picking Needles or Blades

Picking needles or blades are the business end of the electric lock pick gun.

These specialized tools vibrate rapidly, interacting with the lock’s pins and tumblers.

The design and material of these needles contribute to the tool’s effectiveness across different types of locks.

D. Trigger and Control Mechanism

The trigger and control mechanism enable the user to activate and manage the electric lock pick gun.

This component allows for precision and control, essential for navigating the complexities of various locks. Understanding and mastering the trigger and control mechanism is crucial for successful and responsible use of electric lock pick guns.

How Do Electric Lock Pick Guns Work: Step by Step

Here is a step by step guidance on how do electric lock pick guns work:

1. Power On

The process begins with powering on the electric lock pick gun. This involves activating the device using a power switch or trigger, depending on the specific model.

2. Motor Activation

Upon powering on, the motor or solenoid mechanism inside the lock pick gun is engaged. This motor is responsible for generating rapid vibrations that will be transmitted to the picking needles.

3. Picking Needle Oscillation

As the motor operates, it induces high-frequency vibrations in the picking needles or blades. These needles move up and down rapidly, creating a pulsating motion.

4. Contact with Lock Pins

The vibrating picking needles come into contact with the lock pins and tumblers. The oscillations disrupt the pin positions, causing them to jump and align momentarily.

5. Tumbler Alignment

The interaction between the vibrating needles and the lock components results in the alignment of the lock’s tumblers, creating an opening gap within the lock cylinder.

6. Unlocking

With the tumblers temporarily aligned, the lock is in an unlocked state. This allows for the easy rotation of the lock cylinder, granting access without the need for the original key.

7. Control and Precision

The user’s control over the trigger and the precise manipulation of the lock pick gun are crucial throughout the process, ensuring effective and responsible use.

Understanding the step-by-step operation of electric lock pick guns is essential for users to master this advanced locksmithing tool responsibly. Would you like to have access to Beginners Guide to Electric Lock Picking Guns (EPGs). I am sure YOU DO.

Choosing the Right Electric Lock Pick Gun

Considerations when Selecting a Lock Pick Gun

When choosing an electric lock pick gun, several factors should be considered. Evaluate the build quality, ensuring durability for repeated use.

Consider the power source, whether rechargeable or corded, based on your preference and intended applications. Additionally, look for features such as adjustable settings and ergonomic design for optimal user experience.

Compatibility with Different Types of Locks

Not all electric lock pick guns are created equal; some are designed for specific lock types. Consider the tool’s compatibility with a range of locks, including pin tumbler, wafer, and tubular locks.

A versatile lock pick gun ensures adaptability to various locking mechanisms, expanding its utility in different situations.

Skill Level Required for Effective Use

Proficiency in using an electric lock pick gun varies based on the model and user experience.

Novices should opt for user-friendly models with adjustable settings, allowing for gradual skill development.

Experienced locksmiths may prefer advanced tools with precise controls.

Assess your skill level and choose a lock pick gun that aligns with your proficiency, considering the learning curve associated with more sophisticated models.

Common Misconceptions about Electronic Lock Pick Gun

Contrary to popular belief, electric lock pick guns are not magical devices capable of effortlessly opening any lock. Addressing this myth is crucial, emphasizing that their effectiveness depends on the user’s skill and the tool’s compatibility with the lock type.

Additionally, dispelling notions that these tools are exclusively for illicit activities underscores their legitimate applications in locksmithing.

Clarifying their Role in Security Testing and Locksmithing

One common misconception is associating electric lock pick guns solely with unauthorized access. It’s important to clarify their primary roles in security testing and locksmithing.

These tools serve as valuable instruments for professionals to test and enhance security measures. Locksmiths, when responsibly wielding electric lock pick guns, use them to assist individuals who have legitimate reasons for gaining access to secured spaces.

Alternatives and Complementary Tools

Beyond electric lock pick guns, the market offers a variety of electronic lock picking devices. These may include electronic pick guns, bump keys, and decoding tools.

Exploring alternatives provides locksmiths and security professionals with a diverse toolkit for different scenarios.

Manual Tools that Complement Electric Lock Pick Guns

While electric lock pick guns offer speed, manual tools remain invaluable. Tension wrenches, hooks, and diamond picks complement electric devices, offering precision and versatility.

Understanding the synergy between manual and electronic tools empowers locksmiths to navigate diverse locking mechanisms effectively.

Troubleshooting: How Do Electric Lock Pick Guns Work after Getting Wet

Using electric lock pick guns in wet conditions can be risky and may lead to malfunctions.

Water, moisture, or dampness can damage the electrical components and compromise the functionality of the device.

Electric lock pick guns typically have sensitive electronic parts, and exposure to water can result in short circuits or corrosion, affecting their performance.

If an electric lock pick gun gets wet, it is crucial to disconnect the power source immediately. Allow the device to thoroughly dry before attempting to use it again.

Utilizing a gentle heat source, like a hairdryer on a low setting, can aid in the drying process. However, caution should be exercised to prevent overheating or further damage.

Preventive measures, such as keeping electric lock pick guns in waterproof cases or using them in controlled, dry environments, are advisable to maintain the longevity and functionality of these sensitive tools.

Always consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific care instructions and recommendations regarding exposure to moisture.


Understanding how do electric lock pick guns work involves recognizing their innovative fusion of motor-driven vibrations, specialized needles, and precise controls.

While these tools offer speed, efficiency, and a glimpse into the future of locksmithing, responsible use is paramount. Navigating misconceptions, ethical considerations, and the need for skill underscores the evolving landscape of electronic lock picking.

Ultimately, electric lock pick guns operate as a dynamic blend of technology and expertise, reshaping the traditional art of unlocking in the modern era.


Are electric lock pick guns legal to own and use?

Yes, in many places, owning electric lock pick guns is legal. However, their use may be subject to regulations, and it’s essential to be aware of local laws governing locksmithing tools.

Can electric lock pick guns damage locks?

When used skillfully, electric lock pick guns are designed to minimize damage to locks. However, improper use or excessive force can potentially cause harm. Professional locksmiths recommend proper training and adherence to ethical guidelines.

Do electric lock pick guns work on all types of locks?

Electric lock pick guns are versatile, but their effectiveness depends on the design and complexity of the lock. They are generally suitable for standard pin tumbler locks, but may not work as effectively on certain high-security or electronic locks.

Can beginners use electric lock pick guns?

Beginners can use electric lock pick guns with proper training. It’s advisable to start with user-friendly models and gradually progress to more advanced tools. Skill development and understanding the tool’s nuances are crucial for effective use.

Are there alternatives to electric lock pick guns?

Yes, there are alternative tools, both electronic and manual, for lock picking. Electronic alternatives include bump keys and decoding tools, while manual tools like tension wrenches and traditional lock picks complement electric devices, offering a diverse toolkit for locksmiths.


  1. Beginners Guide to Electric Lock Picking Guns (EPGs)
  2. How do Electric Lock Picks Work, How to use an Electric Lock Pick Gun

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